Jan 9, 2009


Hello friends, I'm glad you're here.
I could use your help.

For the past few years I've been jotting down ideas in a (now quite tattered) notebook and it's time to see if there's anything good in there. I'm not sure if it's trying to be a cookbook but I'd like to find out... it's about entertaining friends, and cooking, and some really stylish stuff I just like, and sometimes it's a journal of sorts... there are recipes, menus, experiments, ideas, musings, even lists & timelines for throwing parties for anywhere from two to two hundred of your closest friends... it's all very jumbled up really. 

And that's where you come in...

Over the next few months I'm going to sort through and start posting stuff here and I'd love to see what you think - try the recipes, review the menus, share your thoughts & ideas if you wish, or just tell me what I'm missing... you get the idea.

Sometimes I'll just post things that interest me, or that I think will interest you. I'll try my best to regale you with tales of heroic cookery and amuse you with stories of parties both good & bad.

All I ask is that you be gentle...


Anonymous said...

Cannot wait to see what this brings!

Always up for testing...

Anonymous said...

I second that!